Diablo 3 reaper of souls pc review
Diablo 3 reaper of souls pc review

Granted this is an expansion but there is no sense of pace and it feels like you watched a condensed Lord of the Rings trilogy in 10 minutes. The method of defeating Malthael is mind-numbingly dumb and more importantly the entire narrative feels extremely rushed. It’s extremely disappointing as the reason driving Malthael is explained in a single line.

diablo 3 reaper of souls pc review

There are audio clips that explain the bare backgrounds of the story revolving Malthael and the Westmarch, the land you roam free in Reaper of Souls. The narrative premise of how he fell and descended into madness, his motivations, the actual plot that Malthael creates are all lacking and I say that quite literally. The conflict presented in Reaper of Souls is different from the one in Diablo III primarily because you are fighting an Angel, though he is a fallen one. You are now tasked to retrieve the missing item and stop Malthael’s plot. This fallen Angel, now embodying death, mysteriously appears in front of one of gaming’s most iconic character, Tyrael, to mysteriously steal the Black Soulstone.

diablo 3 reaper of souls pc review

The Black Soulstone having trapped all the great Evils in the world is hidden away by the Angels and the Horadrim but is quickly found out by a betrayer of the High Heavens: Malthael. However, the intrigue lasts for only an hour or so before it falls apart. Reaper of Souls’ story has great potential and right from the outset the premise grabs your attention.

Diablo 3 reaper of souls pc review